Saturday, December 10, 2011

Food Myths

At our OA meeting today, I started thinking about the myths I hold to be true about food. I call them myths, because that's mostly what they are, although there may be partial or occasional truth involved with some of them. Here are the myths:
  1. I'm a busy, active person. Therefore, I need to eat a lot of food.
  2. I need a lot of protein.
  3. If it's mealtime, I should eat... even when I'm not hungry.
  4. I should always eat when I'm hungry, having at least a snack if it's not mealtime.
  5. If one helping tastes good and satisfies me, more will be even better.
  6. Carbs and sweets will make me feel better.
  7. Carbs and sweets will alleviate boredom.
  8. Getting together with friends should always involve eating.
  9. When company comes, I need to feed them well, or they will think I'm a terrible hostess.
  10. I deserve food treats.
  11. I am entitled to food treats as rewards.
  12. Thin people don't eat enough; they are unhealthy.
  13. A little bit of food won't hurt me.
  14. I show my love for people, by feeding them.
  15. I give myself love when I feed myself.
  16. It's natural to want to eat
  17. I can't stop myself from eating too much.
  18. I can eat too much of _____ right now and not ever do it again.
  19. I'm tall and big; therefore my body need a lot of fuel.
  20. On the days I walk for an hour, I deserve and need extra food.

* * * * * * * * * * *
Gratitude for today:  walking with Gayle, my new computer, Robert's wacky (make me giggle) sense of humor, improved water filter, Great Courses, my hands

Saturday, December 3, 2011

If Food Isn't the Answer, What Is?????

Because of the wise practice of one of my fellow OA members, I've started meeting myself in the kitchen at those times when I find myself there searching the shelves. As soon as I become aware of myself standing there (sometimes I haven't a clue how I got there....), I mention to myself, "The answer isn't here."

Sometimes I reply to myself, "Who cares, I'm going to eat chips, peanut butter or whatever anyway!" Other times I reply, "Yeah, you're right. Guess I'll make some tea. Or, guess I'll go back to work." I like the practice. It's working.

Today, though, I got to thinking, "OK, so the answer isn't here, then where is it?" I'm going to modify the practice a bit to include this question. Just for fun, I think I'll try to answer it for a couple of senarios.

I'm in the kitchen. I realize the answer isn't there. I ask, "the answer to what?"

1. Boredom. That's a biggie. I've always sought food when I'm bored. So where is the answer to boredom? Here are some possibilities:
--->change - do something different, something new perhaps
--->service - do something for somebody else, my husband perhaps
--->fresh air - go for a walk, play in the garden, sit on the deck

2. Fear. Yup, that's another biggie. Been wrestling with that one a lot lately, especially about installing and learning my new computer and operating system. So where is the answer to fear if it's not on the kitchen shelves? Here are some possibilities:
--->ask for help - this worked with the computer; I asked my husband
--->just do it - do it anyway; ramrod right over the fear
--->baby steps - do the thing I do know or do understand; forget the big picture

3. Being stuck. This doesn't happen so often. But sometimes I'm waiting on information from somebody before I can do something else. I get stuck. This one is similar to boredom. So there I am in the kitchen a little resentful for having to wait for whatever it is, with time on my hands to kill. So where is the answer to being stuck? Here are some possibilities:
--->keep a list - a daily to do list that includes things which only take a few minutes to do
--->meditate - use the waiting time to meditate
--->write a post - ha ha, that's what I'm doing right now! Waiting for a phone call.

OK, well that's enough for now. I'll see how this works and if I can expand the list. The steps are:
  1. I'm in the kitchen and it's not meal time
  2. I remind myself, "The answer isn't here."
  3. I ask myself, "The answer to WHAT isn't here?"
  4. I recognize the need or feeling or mood and name it.
  5. I ask myself, "OK, then, where might the answer be?"
It's a plan, Sam!