Thursday, January 30, 2014

What If?

What if I stop struggling so hard?
What if I start writing here regularly?
What if I write my feelings?
What if I say I'm angry, resentful, and despairing much of the time?
What if I turn to Words Paint for help?
What if I didn't look in the cupboard and refrigerator for help?
What if I said no more often
What if the world is in better shape than I think it is?
What if many hands and many minds are helping the world?
What if I am really, deeply loved?
What if I forgive myself?
What if I look more for gratitude?
What if food was just food?
What if writing "what if" could fix everything?

1 comment:

  1. Some very powerful questions to explore... the one I keep re-reading is: what if I am really, deeply loved?
    Maybe, for me, that is the foundational answer to the other questions. I mean... if I really believe that, and embrace it, then instead of turning to that cupboard or refrigerator, or letting those feelings take me over, or being hard and not forgiving myself, then why can't I let that Love provide for me whatever it is that I need at the time?? It would offer hope for the world... for me... Just thinking out loud here.
    Very thought provoking "what if" questions. May you find healing answers for yourself, Robin.


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