Thursday, December 30, 2010

Late Night Musings

trying to feel my feelings
a little sad
to see 2010 winding down
to have finished a few things

in the moment though
all is well
our house is warm enough
in a metaphorical sense

teaching a child to bead today
her focus
amazing for an 8 year old
my passion with her

so many blessings given me
accept them
forget about deserving
or not
because love is all there is


  1. "Forget about deserving"
    That line really struck me and surprised me to see you think it.

    We cyber friends don't really know each other. Afterall, we only show others what we want them to see.

    But I can't imagine whatever reason you could have for thinking you do not deserve the very best in every aspect of your life. Then I wonder who planted the seed that you don't.

    And then I think about the program you are in and the belief that you can put your life in the hands of a Higher Power who is all forgiving and all giving. Certainly you are all deserving (good) for the impact you have made on others. For teaching others that they can release their own emotions through their art.

    Have I given you something to think about or are you thinking "Armchair Therapist" ~lol~

    I love it that you are passing your art to the next generation through beading. I know you will enjoy that.
    Happy Prosperous and Peaceful New Year to you.
    xx, Carol

  2. Beautiful...Yes...Love is all there is ...and the gift and the journey is to find it WITHIN!

  3. You've been a blessing to ME:) Thank you. 2010 was not everything I wanted and thought it would be - I am going to be optimistic about 2011.

  4. Everyone deserves to be loved. I'm so happy you see the love in your life!


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